Diritto d Asilo Nido

lunedì 30 giugno 2008

We need a .wiki TLD? Yes!

Stewart is asking "Should There be a .wiki TLD?", well on the same way we have a .tv TLD I believe we need a .wiki TLD.

Someone can disagree with me saying "oh, wiki it's just another tool, we don't need a TLD!".

But Wiki it's not just a tool.
It's a new work style!
A Wiki it's more related with social side of labour, it's not just a software tool.
On Wiki You can see just another slice of code, but there's more inside!
clipped from www.ikiw.org
Grow Your Wiki

.wiki gTLDICANN, the Internet’s primary oversight agency, has voted to allow new top-level domains (TLDs). This could mean a massive expansion beyond the original .com, .net, and .org TLDs, and country specific TLDs like .co.uk, .ca, .pl, and .de, and that raises a timely question - should one of those new TLDs be .wiki?

So should there be a .wiki TLD? What do you think? Would you use .wiki? Let’s get a debate going in the comments!

 blog it

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