Diritto d Asilo Nido

venerdì 20 giugno 2008

10 domande: analisi del progetto

Antonella Napolitano riporta sul sito TechPresident, culla del progetto 10Questions, l'esperienza del progetto 10Domande.

Concordo pienamentente con la sua analisi, d'altronde il Ns. paese subisce pesantemente il Digital Divide, oltre che tecnologico, anche culturale, a partire proprio dai politici.
Lessons Learned from the Italian 10Questions
By Antonella Napolitano, 06/18/2008 - 3:08pm
In this post, Italian media consultant Antonella Napolitano summarizes her experience with 10domande

Five candidates out of eleven answered. A couple of them were well-known politicians and both of them are leaders of small parties. Of the two main candidates, Walter Veltroni (PD – center-left) answered three questions out of ten during a videochat hosted by his party’s web-tv, while Silvio Berlusconi (PDL – center-right) – who eventually won the elections – did not answer.

The 10domande project confirmed for us what we thought about the candidates’ use of the Internet: they still don’t know how to use it and how to benefit from it — by talking to the people who will decide whether to vote for them or not. They still communicate entirely using the mainstream media. Plus, they had no staff to help with this kind of thing;
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