Diritto d Asilo Nido

lunedì 9 giugno 2008

iPhone: it's coming!!

iPhone sbarca in Italia, Vodafone e Tim venderanno dal 11 luglio la versione 3G!

Già mi vedo in fila per acquistare questo gioiellino!

C'è solo da vedere cosa accadrà con i prezzi...
Apple dichiara di venderlo a 199$ avete letto bene, soli miseri 199$, al cambio attuale qualcosa come 130€!!! a cui aggiungere il contratto biennale...

clipped from blogs.zdnet.com

Apple announces iPhone 3G, available July 11th for $199

At the WWDC 2008 conference, Steve Jobs announced the next generation iPhone. Called the iPhone 3G, it will feature:

  • Faster, 3G data networking. One demo took 59 seconds on the old EDGE network, 21 seconds on the iPhone 3G, compared to 17 seconds on WiFi. Apple claims it’s 26% faster than competing models from Nokia and Treo.

  • Longer battery life. 300 hours standby, 10 hours 2G talk, 5 hours 3G talk, 5-6 hours browsing, 7 hours video, 24 hours audio.

  • Better audio. No details were available on this.

  • Integrated GPS, including live GPS tracking.

The iPhone will be available July 11th in 22 countries. The 8GB model will be $199 (black only), and the 16GB model will be $299 (black or white), with a new 2-year rate plan (sold separately).

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