Diritto d Asilo Nido

lunedì 18 giugno 2007

SL: economia florida?

Chi ha veramente il "controllo" di questi dati?
La Linden Lab?
Forse è il caso di iniziare a pensare e promuovere tra la comunità SL la creazione di un ente virtuale di controllo, qualcosa simile a Eurostat.

Just my 2L$cents
Yesterday's Money: 17th June
Linden Money

Yesterday in Second Life we:

  • Spent US$1,698,000 at an exchange rate of L$270.6 to US$1

  • Exchanged US$193,000 at an average of US$8,100.0 per hour.

  • Market buys were US$111,000

  • Market sales were US$81,000

  • Limit-limit buys were US$1,400

Again I trust these numbers about as far as I can throw them, including the total transactions - they're suspiciously similar to yesterday's number for the first, and based on data that contains almost no noise (1 blip) for the remainder.

Hopefully the return of Linden's to work today will see some value to the statistics soon.
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