Diritto d Asilo Nido

venerdì 22 giugno 2007

Mitsukoshi: 320.000 US$ il giro d'affari atteso da SL

Lo store Mitsukoshi prevede di ricavare 320.000 US$ dalle vendite indotte dalla sua presenza in-world, precisando che non verrà venduto nulla in Linden Dollars.

Interessante scommessa, ma ancor di più sarebbe interessante sapere l'entità del loro investimento in SL.

Mitsukoshi aims to make 40 million in a year

40 million yen is really quite a lot.Japanese-based, international department store, Mitsukoshi hopes to make 40 million yen (US$320,000) from sales to Second Lifers in their first year of operation. Mitsukoshi is opening at an (as yet) unspecified Second Life location on July 19, and will not be selling products for Linden Dollars.

Instead, Mitsukoshi will use their inworld store to direct Second Lifers to their online store on the web for physical product sales.

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