Diritto d Asilo Nido

lunedì 25 giugno 2007

Google & Sharp: 1,6Mw installati su Google Plex

Google con Sharp ha installato pannelli fotovoltaici ovunque, anche sulle tettoie dei parcheggi per i dipendenti.

Come massimizzare il RoI valorizzando qualsiasi superficie utilizzabile per ridurre la dipendenza da fonte energetica non rinnovabile.

I Love Google!
clipped from www.solarbuzz.com
View, CA, USA: Sharp Provides Solar Modules for 1.6 Megawatt System
for Google

June 19, 2007

has provided solar modules for the largest commercial solar electricity
system in the U.S. to date, recently installed at Google's corporate
headquarters in Mountain View, California.
1.6 megawatt system is designed to feed into Google's overall
operations, reducing the amount of electricity the company purchases
from its local utility. The system utilizes almost all available
roof space on the Googleplex campus.
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