Diritto d Asilo Nido

venerdì 13 giugno 2008

Yahoo, l'inizio della fine?

Il mercato ha reagito male alle ultime mosse di Jerry Yang, a questo punto diventerà sempre più difficile contrastare Carl Icahn.

clipped from www.techcrunch.com

Massive Destruction Of Shareholder Value, Employee Morale and Internet Balance Of Power

I don’t believe that there is anything Yahoo could do at this point to further destroy their business that would surprise me.

At noon PST Yahoo announced that all talks with Microsoft were formally off, and the stock fell further. It eventually climbed back a little, but by the end of the trading day, $3.6 billion had been removed from the pockets of Yahoo stockholders. Well after trading ended, Yahoo confirmed our original report that they’d signed a deal with Google to hand over much of their search marketing business.

Our sources inside Yahoo had interesting things to say about the general state of things at the office today as Yahoo’s stock price fall apart. “Unclear what’s happening” said one vice president. “Fucking train wreck, total chaos” was the less eloquent observation of a more junior employee.

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